Books and Catalogues
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Bua, Matt and Goldfarb, Maximilian, Architectural Inventions: Visionary Drawings. London: Laurence King, 2012. Page 204

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Rosati, Lauren and Staniszewski, Mary Anne, Alternative Histories: New York Art Spaces, 1960-2010. SculptureCenter entry illustrated with Lisa Hein "Pipe Dream" on building exterior, 2001. MIT Press, 2012.

Articles and Reviews

Nayyar, Rhea, "75 Artists Take Over Manhattan's 14th St" (interview and 2 photos). Hyperallergic 10/18/ 2024

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Trauring, Michelle, "'Divine Intervention' Transforms Christ Church in Sag Harbor". Sag Harbor Express, June 4/6, 2019

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Rivera, Natalie, "The Women's Group: Early 1990s, New York City". Zingmagazine 25, 2018

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Jessica Dawson, "Updated Garden Sculpture for the Cultivated Set". Washington Post, September 9, 2004

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Laura Auricchio, "Yard". Time Out New York, July 31-August 7, 2003

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Alan Brake, "Message in a Bottle". Interior Design, June 2003

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Roberta Smith, "Brooklyn Haven for Art Heats Up". New York Times, November 6, 1998

Selected Website Listings
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Art In Odd Places 2024 home page

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Brooklyn Greenway Initiative, "Brooklyn Artists Featured in Site-Specific Exhibition at the Naval Cemetery Landscape’s Season Closer Event, October 19 and 20"

Roberta Smith, "Brooklyn Haven for Art Heats Up". New York Times, November 6, 1998